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Magnific Mart

W7 Blending Pro Multi Tasking Beauty Blender Makeup Sponge

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Tk. 450

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The W7 Blending Pro Sponge is the ultimate multi-tasker with 3 different edges to help with blending, contouring and perfecting with precision! Pair the Blending Pro with your makeup of choice to create a flawless complexion. Instructions: Squeeze your W7 Blending Pro sponge under water until it is soaked through. Squeeze again to remove any excess water. Blend any liquid foundation or concealer into the larger areas of the face using the rounded edge. Hide blemishes and imperfections in smaller areas with the pointed tip of the sponge. Define and contour using the flat edge. Clean your W7 Blending Pro sponge and leave to dry after each use.
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