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Magnific Mart

Crystal White Milky Body Lotion 150ml

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Tk. 1,500 /150ml
Discount Price:
Tk. 1,200 /150ml

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Crystal White Milky Body Lotion: 3w clinic: 150g Buy Missha Hot Burning Body Gel 200ml online in Bangladesh from This is low oil content and high moisture body lotion content, spread smoothly and keep it fresh without stickiness. Contains whitening functional ingredients to brighten skin tone. Suitable all Skin type not face Natural functional ingredients deeply nourish the skin Apply it as a protective film to improve the moisturizing ability Deeply nourish the skin well, and refresh it Contains four plant extracts bamboo, the root of the Korean angelica, ginseng and ganoderma Take the proper amount after showering and evenly distribute
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