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Magnific Mart

Magnific Mart

Guerisson 9 Complex Cream – 70g

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Sold by: Inhouse product

Tk. 1,550 /70 ml
Discount Price:
Tk. 1,500 /70 ml

(6 available)

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GUERISSON 9 Complex Cream  elegant feeling of touch, perfect skin absorption and Enhancement of protective power by high purity premium fatty acid selectively separated from natural saturated fatty acid contained in horse oil

  • 3 – Peptide Complex Contained : Completion of skin becoming dense and moist from deep inside skin with peptide complex helping to improve the structure of skin tightening fiber and growth.
  • Enhancement of collapsed skin barrier : Completion of healthy and glossy skin by enhancing skin barrier collapsed and damaged by a variety of factors.
  • Butter Melting Formula Sufficiently nourishing skin with elegant feeling of application by thick butter – like texture and horse oil which closely stick to skin as if being melted into skin.

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