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Magnific Mart

Magnific Mart

T-Tree Cica Clear Toner 210ml

(0 reviews)

Sold by: Inhouse product

Tk. 1,350 /210 ml
Discount Price:
Tk. 1,300 /210 ml

(3 available)

Total Price:
  • Introducing T-Tree Sika Series..
  • It is made with tea tree and sika to clear your acne.
  • There are 2 new toners and ampoules in the T-Tree Sika series.
  • Toner explanation..
  • Contains tea tree, it helps reduce redness and acne and brightens the skin.
  • Formulated with PH 5.5, it balances facial skin moisture and moisture.
  • CICA (Herbal Horseshoe Leaf) to remove dark spots and acne scars.

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